RecordWhether you've seen a toad in the back garden, an adder whilst out on a walk, have a clipboard full of newt data from a field trip, or are a professional ecologist, we encourage you to enter your reptile and amphibian records into the Record Pool so that they can be shared and used for conservation purposes. Record a sightingRecord one or more reptiles and amphibians at a single time and location. Record a sightingRecord a surveyRecord one or more reptiles and amphibians at multiple times and locations. Record a surveyIdentify speciesAmphibian and Reptile Conservation's species information pages Dead or sick animals?Get advice from Garden Wildlife Health Record Pool recording features Pinpoint or confirm locations on an Ordinance survey or satellite map.
Upload your photos to help us to verify your records.
Embargo your survey data so that it can't be accessed by anyone until you're ready.
Mobile friendly - easily enter records using your smartphone or tablet.
Mark your records as confidential to give them extra data protection.
Access, filter and export all of your own data.
See when your records have been verified by our network of local experts.
We take care to protect your personal data and your confidential sightings data.
For further information see our Entering your records FAQ, Data access levels informaion and Data privacy & copyright policy.
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