A collaborative project from &

Welcome to the Record Pool

The Record Pool collects data on herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) in the UK and to makes it available, locally and nationally, for conservation purposes.







Find out more about how the Record Pool project works, how you can help and how our data helps:

Data access levels »

We aim to make Record Pool data as accessible as possible, whilst protecting sensitive data.

Add to your website »

You can easily add a Record Pool button or embed our sightings form on your website.


Tell us about reptiles and amphibians that you've seen to help with conservation on a local and national level:

Record a sighting »

Record one or more reptiles and amphibians at a single time and location.

Record a survey »

Record one or more reptiles and amphibians at multiple times and locations.


Have a look at the the data we're collecting, which can be filtered, sorted, exported and used for free:

All data »

Browse our publicly available data tables, export a dataset and use it for free.

Your data »

Access your own records and see when they have been verified by our local experts.


Play with the data on our interactive map and have a look at our reptile and amphibian atlases:

Scottish atlas »

View our new Scottish Atlas to see where amphibians and reptiles have been seen.

Interactive map »

Plot our publicly available data on a map, filter it and create your own layers.

Featured projects

Make the Adder Count

This survey encourages experienced observers to gather data in a standardised way so that information may be pooled to build a picture of trends in adder populations nationally.

Find out more »

Cannock Chase National Landscape

This survey aims to collect information on the distribution and abundance of reptiles across Cannock Chase National Landscape.

Find out more »